“Who we are” A book launched by Nick Wallace

Nick Wallace joined the Sarnia Freedom Alliance to gain support for his presentation “What is the duty of a school board Trustee?” to Lambton Kent District School Board on November 23, 2021. This was in response to their unlawful C19 mandates policy on the children. It was a great success with over 150 people that made a good impact, and Nick was very happy to see the support from everyone.

Nick is inviting us again to support his next efforts as co-author of a new book called Who We Are, for children, up to 100 years old. It is a book for today, and tomorrow. It’s their first book in a series to come.

The current state of kids’ schools, books and minds have been included in the de-spiritualisation process that misidentifies society as thoughts, mind, body, race, gender – and disregards our being a natural part of creation not needing any other permission, identity or approval to be here.

Nick, and his daughter Violet, have made a book to provide some universal truths and healthy tips to kill the past and come back to Life in the present, fully accepted as you are.

Please help share the book launch poster found here: https://ourbooks.ca/#blog

The website is currently under construction and will be up and running soon. Nick & Violet hope to see a full house at the library (300 people) on July 09, 2023 @ 2:30pm. It’ll be fun; musicians are coming, bring your good vibes. Please save the date and pass our book launch poster on by text, email, and social media, and word of mouth, as far as you can (:

Anyone that knows they can make it, and is willing to help out, we could use a few helpers on the day. Not sure how many yet, but for things like greeting at the door, help with slideshow, sales tables, unexpected hiccups, etc.

Thank you very much!!
Nick & Violet Wallace

Canada Rise and Mama Bears Presentation

Canada Rise is a network platform aimed to join efforts across the Canada helping. Becoming more efficient and learning what works and what doesn’t in different jurisdictions.

Mama Bears is a relatively new national initiative aimed to help children and parents navigate and solve issues related to mandates and restrictions. They are looking for volunteers! If you are interested in helping children on these crazy times contact us and we’ll get you in touch with them. There is also an email on their website below.

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cL2p1O31LKEI/


Jan 11, 2022 LKDSB Schoolboard Meeting

On January 11, 2022. Concerned parents in the Lambton Kent district area did a presentation to the board presenting the dangers of Covid vaccines on children as well as ask questions pertinent to the topic.

Thanks Jolene for your courage!


Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7Ks3WQjOxdmD/

School board Meeting at LKDSB – Concerned parents

On November 23rd Nick Wallace gave a presentation to the Lambton Kent District School Board about the legal obligations and conflict of interests of the board as well as the risks and potential criminal charges they can be liable for forcing masks on kids. The board clearly admits they have NOT made a risk assessment.





Great video explaining the rights and protections health care workers have under OHSA in Canada, ON. Links to all the documents presented below.

Directive #6:

Health Protection and Promotion excerpts:

OHSA excerpts:

Know your rights:

Original Links:
Directive #6:
Health Protection and Promotion Act (ONTARIO):

Notice of Liability – Employers

Employers are not medical professionals and therefore should be held liable if they are trying to coerce or discriminate against you for not wanting to participate in the COVID-19 experimental treatments.
Print this document, fill it in with the name of the person you will be handing it in to (owner and/or management).
**You will need one notice per each person you will be giving it to.

Action4Canada: Small Businesses

This seminar is an educational and informational presentation covering the following topics:

– Your Guaranteed Constitutional Rights

– Manipulation techniques to disempower citizens

– How to manage interactions with government agents/police

– Resources to support opening your business….

Business Resources: https://action4canada.com/business-re…

Sign and Send Declaration: https://action4canada.com/wp-content/…

Join Action4Canada: https://action4canada.com/join/​

Please share this Webinar with every Business Owner/Director/Manager/Etc….In fact…share it with every Canadian!

Business are Essential…Vital to a thriving economy. According to the Constitution, “every” Canadian has the 100% guaranteed right to work and provide for their family!

Sign the Declaration notifying your Premier and Health Officer that you will no longer comply with Orders that are unlawful, inconsistent, irrational, and in violation of our “guaranteed” Constitutional rights. https://action4canada.com/small-busin…

Disclaimer: This information is not intended to be used as legal or health advice. We encourage you to do your own research.

Source: https://youtu.be/KEgkmRkAqcY

The Greater Reset Activation Day 1 – The Agora

The Greater Reset is the world’s collective response to the World Economic Forum’s Initiative: The Great Reset.

From the organizers

We offer an alternative to the WEF’s top-down, centralized, authoritarian vision. Our desire is to help all people find community and liberty by providing practical steps and knowledge for co-creating a world that respects individual liberty, bodily autonomy, and choice.

We invite you to join us for 5 days of discussion about the diverse opportunities available for those who seek to live in harmony with humanity and the planet, while respecting our innate freedom.

For more details please visit their site www.thegreaterreset.org


Welcome to our site!


Welcome to Sarnia Freedom Alliance! This site is meant to contain important resources that are easy to use and share for researching, understanding and, hopefully, waking up others to the reality of the systematic attack on freedoms that up to 2020 only people that lived in communist countries had experienced.

Join us! Facebook and Telegram

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”

[Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the United States, August 8, 1950]”
― Harry S. Truman

Also enjoy the following video, the PCR test debunked!
